Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Ever since we moved here, every August I would dream of Washington Blackberries and be so sad that I couldn't just go outside and pick them anymore! One thing that I love about our house is that in the summer, our backyard looks just like Washington. I look out our sliding glass door into the woods and it feels like I am in Bellingham, maybe even the Grandparents are within driving distance! Anyway, it you look closely in the picture with Cheyenne and I you will see what popped up right in our backyard!! Blackberry bushes!!! I suspected that's what it was from the white flowers the first year we were here, but never any berries. Last year there were a couple tiny ones, but very bitter. This year the bush is just a little taller than me and produced many many berries! They are still less sweet than Washington ones, but with just a little sugar, taste just the same. Some of them were even good enough without sugar. I really think next year they will bigger and tastier! I consider this a tender mercy from the Lord. A little piece of my hometown to have with me here in Georgia. Hopefully next year we will have enough for a pie!

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