Friday, July 13, 2012

Trip to Washington

The girls and I flew out June 18 to Washington to visit. It was my 10 year reunion, and since we had already used up too much of our travel budget for Jeff to fly to Washington for a job interview, I just planned on not going. My Mom really wanted me to be able to go, because she knew I had really looked forward to it for a while. She offered to fly us out there. I was originally only going to stay a week, but the week before I was going to go, Jeff was going to be gone a lot at a football camp, so I thought I might as well go that week too and then the next week after was Jeff's spring break, and Jeff made enough money at his football camp to pay for his ticket back. 

Anyway, so the girls and I left June 18 and Cheyenne especially was soooo excited. This was the first time I think that she really understood the concept that we were flying in the sky across the whole country. She would ask me over and over again. Show me where is Georgia and where is Washington (on the map). My sweet friend Wendi let us park our van at her house and drove me to the airport. It was so nice of her and pretty much the only way we were going to be able to go out early, because parking at the airport that long would have been way too expensive.

We got there extra early which is the way to go with kids. I am doing this from now on. It was so relaxing and I got to point things out to the girls instead of being frustrated and flustered and trying to hurry them along. We stopped at chic-fil-a and got dinner then sat at our gate to eat it. Cheyenne still remembers our gate was "D2." I only checked one bag with all of our luggage, then I just had a backpack, and Berkeley in the stroller and Cheyenne with the monkey backpack on. The girls were so good the whole time.

When we got on the plane it wasn't a full flight so we thankfully had the whole row to ourselves. I don't  think I would have survived otherwise. The first hour the girls were super excited so we watched out the window, ate treats and played with some coloring books and stuff I brought. Berkeley started to get tired first and kept saying "nigh, nigh." Which means she must have been really really tired to actually request to go to bed. She was getting really frustrated and kept trying to lay down, but couldn't get comfortable. We tried so many things. I brought a bunch of new books we got at garage sales, so I tried laying down on the bench with both girls on my chest and we read the books about 5 times, but they couldn't fall asleep. I only had one blanket and no pillows. The flight was freezing. I feel like if I would have had pillows and another blanket they could have gotten comfy. Anyway, finally, with about an hour and a half left, they each laid across the row, which left no room for me, so I sat on the floor between the seats for the last hour and a half. It was the longest flight EVER. But, the girls really were well behaved and it could have been much worse. My mom picked us up from the airport and I tried my best to stay awake on the drive home, but by the time we got home it was 4 am Georgia time and I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before so I was exhausted!

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